I enjoyed every stitch in this series. I made some changes but kept everything Prairie Schooler! Hopefully will get it framed and up on a wall sometime this year!
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Monday, November 9, 2020
U is for unlock - and path for my next step
I only had a couple of hours needed to finish this one when I took out my ABC this week.
I changed just slightly the woman’s hairdo. The contrast of the reds in the lock is bad, but I won’t take it out (it is not a very eye catching detail.)
My favourite part is the cloud. So beautifully stylised. It is amazing. The keys are lovely too.
I have now finished
JKL and
The next letter will be M, as I am still undecided about D. I won’t stitch anything reminding me of war or patriotism (even for my own country.) I would love to find a suitable motive for Dancing or Drawing or something like that. Any suggestion is welcome.
I hope someone is still reading this! ;-)
T is for time
I absolutely adore this one.
I seem to remember having changed one colour or two for a better contrast (maybe the light blue and/or some of the sun/moon yellow?) but I stitched it long ago.
S is for sewing
Coming back to my ABC. Here is my finished S. I had to fudge a bit on this one as it was wider than P. But I am very happy with the outcome.
I have completely finished the cartouche because the words are about textile arts and those will be true to the original.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
WIP Sewing
I almost freaked out. But there is no way I will frog all this. So I decided I will fudge a bit through the sewing machine and the rest of the pattern and no one will be able to tell. Because if I did not see it before, it must be pretty invisible.
Conclusion: S is 70 wide. And now I see that U is 101 high so I will be careful.
I really should have checked before. I am pretty sure I noted this two years ago but I had forgotten. Ah well...
Sunday, October 14, 2018
J is for Jack - O - Lantern
Perfect timing to stitch the letter J in the month of October. This is one of my favorites because of its simplicity. Once the pumpkin was outlined - it was an easy stitch. I have 11 more letters to go, so I have plans to finish this up by the end of next year if I stitch one per month. xoxoxo
Saturday, September 29, 2018
K is for Kitty
Monday, June 11, 2018
Still Stitching away!!
Hello fellow stitchers!! Matilda here! Anyone else still working away on the ABCs? I dropped down from the top row to Rabbit and just got that Wabbit done! Moving down another row to the Z! Yes, because for some reason that makes more sense in my head so I can roll the fabric from right to left as I proceed! Not many changes on this block! Really like the Giant Rabbit sitting in the Veggies.
Happy Stitching!
Sunday, April 1, 2018
C is for Cow
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Friday, January 12, 2018
E is for Embroidery
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Happy December!
Don't know if I'm the only stitcher still working on the ABC's but I am so enjoying it! Finished up the first row, Letter 9 "I", so that is one a month for nine months. 😏 Yes, it will take 2 years at this rate, but in between all of the other projects I do....I just keep stitching away on it! My Indian has a peace pipe instead of a bow and arrow, a suggestion from another stitcher! Even stuck a feather on the end of the pipe. I'm really happy with this letter!
Happy Holidays to all the stitchers out there and
Happy Stitching!
Monday, November 6, 2017
Finished up with H! Lots of life-interuptus...on this one! I hate when life interrupts my stitching life, don't you all too? But Honey is done, and it's a pretty one, although the Hives were a little repetitive!😄 Now onto I, the last letter in the top row!
Happy Stitching you all!
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Monday, September 18, 2017
Monday, August 7, 2017
Little mistake about number of rows between letters, will just have to adjust on down the rows on the bottom letters😟
Changed the thread for the bottom left key/heart to pink, matched the pink in the hand. (Pink as in, from the dmc colors for this project!)
Changed the left hair to match my sister, my hair for the right friend.
I am so much enjoying this project, biggest one I have ever attempted. I encourage all you stitchers out there to not be afraid to try this or any other big project that you can do bit by bit. I usually stitch a 'small' project between each letter to give me a
feeling of getting things done!
Happy Stitching!
Thursday, August 3, 2017
F is for Friend
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
G is for Garden
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Happy stitching.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Those pesky odd numbers
Now the big question: Most of the charts are 100 x 70 stitches. However, some are 101 x 72, some of 101 x 70, and some are 100 x 72. How do you make all of those work? I had thought of making an outline grid then float each design inside, so the size of each isn't evident. Have any of you done it that way?
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
A stitcher for 35 years and I still love it.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Whew.....another letter done!

Now I know why other folks were talking
about D is for Drum being a challenge. I must admit this one was the most stressful for me....I changed the Eagle to a Golden Hawk, The Eagle seemed too dark and angry for me! :)
I chose a different color for the Drum itself, as I was happy with the one Flag up in the right corner.
Center blue is the same blue called for the top and bottom. I changed the green inside the drum to Olive since I thought the other green was lost in the red drum. I'm very happy with it and even like my silly Golden Bird!
On to E! Woo Hoo!
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Honey is for bees and H is for hive
Friday, June 9, 2017
K done L in progress +TIP
A tip for the letter L: it is very easy to adjust the height of the pattern (it is one row higher than most of the patterns) by sustracting one of the two darker green rows on the ground. (Rows 25 and 26 counting from the bottom of the pattern) this is what I did and you can see that K and L align perfectly then.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
I have finally settled on using DMC 221 for the red. This means that at some point I will frog the red house in the B block and replace the DMC 498 that is there now with the 221. I will leave the berries as DMC 498, though. I have also chosen to make the design on the blue bowl white instead of black as it reminds me of a vintage Pyrex bowl I cherish.
I did replace the cow's spots in block C with white instead of the called-for color. I thought it would stand out against the cream linen well enough, but it did not, so I backstitched where I could with a gold thread. This only offered a slight improvement, but I am leaving it be for now. I also replaced the bird in the upper right hand corner of block C with a shining sun. I had enough of the black birds in the B block.
I have only gotten a couple hours start into block E. I am very excited about this block as well as block F! They are so pretty and look like fun. There are other blocks I anticipate dreading, but we shall take it one block at a time. :)
I am enjoying seeing everyone's progress and appreciate the recent increase in activity on this blog! It is so fun to know there are other stitchers out there with a similar goal. Please do forgive me for my poor photography skills. I do have other close-up pictures, but they came out sideways and I don't have time to fiddle with them as my daughter needs help with her math problems right now. Till next time, enjoy your stitching time, and may the Lord bless you!
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Friday, May 26, 2017
Thursday, May 25, 2017
My progress...
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
I am using DMC thread and have found that I need to substitute a few colors. The called-for red is really very brown. I want a dark red, a colonial red, if you know what I mean. I have tried DMC 221 and DMC 498. I would prefer a shade between the two ("of course", because I am never able to be pleased?!). I have used both reds so far with the idea that I will frog one and replace it with the one I am settled upon, once I decide. (The crab is in DMC 22, and I do like how it looks. I prefer the DMC 498 used for the berries in the B block). I have also had to substitute the gold DMC 420 with DMC 680, the light gold DMC 3828 with DMC 676, and will be substituting something for the called-for pink. If I were more particular, I would have also replaced some of the greens - there is not enough contrast between the called-for threads on the fish in the A block, but after all the frogging and changing I have already done, it looks good enough for me, so I am pressing on.
I am very excited about this project. I look forward to sharing this journey with you! :)
Sunday, April 16, 2017
WIP - K is for Kitty
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Kitty cat is surprised
I believe I choose the wrong green for the eye and will from to stitch them in 3012.
ABC : 1/9 done
I was very happy to have done them in less than two months.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Over the moon...
C is my first finished letter and I am very, very happy with it.
(DMCs on 32 ct raw linen, colour changes as I see fit)
ABC growing in the sun
Oops! Forgot to publish it last week! I am here to show the finished cow but I like this photo, so you will have two posts for the price of one today. ;-)
Friday, February 10, 2017
One bird less
I am stitching the small cow, and looking forward to the big one. Floss is on the way...
Friday, February 3, 2017
Slowly going
I finally order a big bunch of them yesterday. I may have enough, or not. Which does not matter as there are so many colours in this the dye lots won’t be visible.
And I am changing colours without taking note, because I am sooooo daring!
Thursday, January 26, 2017
The Journey has begun
My second paragraph of text was lost in the process, but it is really easier to post like this. I set it to "save as a draft" and add the text before publishing.
The red is 221.
I ran out of 3371 and miss many colours for A, so my progress will slow down. I am really happy with my choice of fabric, count and setting. I am doing 9x3 on one piece of 32 ct raw linen.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Starting today - floss usage?
I have been admiring many wonderful realisations on this blog, and decided to share here my progress.
I am cross stitching two over two on 32 count natural linen, which is my preferred technique. I hesitated to choose a larger count to obtain a smaller FO, but I prefer to be comfortable while stitching so many hours.
I already modified the red on the compass and flag, because I don't have 3857 and 221 looks very close. I just wanted to start!
Now I am running out of the little bit of 3371 I had left in my stash. So it is time to ask anyone who still reads here about floss usage. Did anyone noted theirs? DMC floss is ridiculously expensive in Switzerland and it would be useful to plan my orders wisely.
Here is an image of my very first stitches. Since then I have almost finished the black parts of the ship.

Saturday, July 11, 2015
Question about how to get started
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
A Wonderful Conclusion
I thought this day would never come, but here it finally is with the most wonderful sense of conclusion. I am so thankful to have stumbled across the beautiful work of so many women who came together to stitch the Prairie Schooler Alphabet.
I wanted my sampler to reflect my love of mystery and the thrill of discovery; and came up with the idea of an I Spy an Alphabet theme.
Hidden within my 15" x 15" margins, (28ct Natural Linen), are 26 Alphabet Letters, 26 Alphabet Words, 26 Spelling Bees, and 26 Alphabet Motifs all taken from the original patterns. So can you find them all?
I tell you I make my own self giggle as I come up short each time I try and count the bees! I will tell you I have been tricky with my purposeful misleading placement of words and motifs. There is one glaring mistake in the sampler that is original to the patterns. Did everyone catch it as they stitched? It took me awhile to notice.
Spoiler Alert: Here are the answers:
WORDS: Arrow, Bark, Compass, Dog, Eagle, Flag, Grape, Hour, Indian Corn, Joy, Key, Leaf, Moo, Nest, Oriole, Pineapple, Quip, Rain, Soar, Tweet, Umbrella (2, Because you always need a backup!), Vine, Welcome, X-Stitch, Yarn, Zinnia.
MOTIFS: A-anchor, B-bee hive, C-compass, D-dog, E-eagle, F-flag (Backwards per original pattern), G-grapes, H-Heart-in-Hand, I-Indian, J-Jack-o-Lantern, K-kitty, L-leaf, M-moon, N-next, O-owl
(In tree.), P-pineapple, Q-quilt block, R-radish, S-sewing basket, T-thistle, U-umbrella, V-vine (Parrot's cage), W-watering can, X-X-Stitch (The Entire Piece!), Y-yarn, Z-zinnia.
Thank you so much ladies for letting me join in on the fun that is the Prairie Schooler ABC Bee. It was a joyful experience. Elizabeth
Friday, January 16, 2015
The Big Question!
I truly feel as though I am in a race to the FINISH and all the other horses are trying to crowd me out. My goal with my sampler is to contain within it's 15" border: 26 Alphabet Letters, 26 Large Motifs, 26 Over-one Thread Motifs, and 26 Alphabet Words. Whew! See what I mean?
To create a bit of order, I am stitching all of the Alphabet Words in DMC 221. I have also positioned them purposefully only threads apart from one of the motifs. You just can't have words floating about!
I'm giggling to myself at how I have had to remind myself to move my Q-Snap often so as not to over stitch one particular area. The big question now is where on earth will I squeeze in J for Jonquil and it's corresponding motif! Happy Stitching to you All!